Member to Member Forum
Please enter any comments or questions you may have for COHA or other Homeowner Associations below. Please note that comments are reviewed prior to public posting so your message may not appear immediately after posting.
Does anyone use proxies for annual meetings? This could be for voting as well as for making quorum.
I am from the Hamlet Homeowners Assoc. near 10 Mile and Orchard Lk. I would like to know if anyone could give me some tips for setting up an Association website for The Hamlet.
in the past, we had a membership directory that all members received. a nice perk of membership. made it easy to have contact with another sub if you needed to ask questions (ie who is your
snowplower?) now it seems all we have is a list of members. how do we get the contact info? and how is it protected from non-members? -
Is anyone interested in a meeting focusing on websites for your neighborhood? How to start one, how to KEEP one going, how to do it without needing to be a techie, obstacles, opportunities, sharing
resources, etc.? Could be at a regular meeting or as a subgroup outside the regular meeting. Let me know by EMAILING me at Or call me at 248-470-3468. (Although I represent my
sub but for some reason I don't get emails or forum messages from COHA. I just asked someone to look into that.)